Gameplay Programmer

About Me

Hello, I am fresh graduate, I Graduated June 2019 with BSc in Computer Science, I have been learning game development for the past 3 years, I keep learning and improving myself on daily basis and I would love to take new challenges and opportunities!

Here you can see some of my Team and Personal projects that I have worked on.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime if you have any question ;)

Team Projects
Click on Thumbnail to know more about the project

University Unity C# VisualStudio

My contributions:
 Leading my Colleagues (Team of 5)
 A.I Enemy State, Waypoint System
 Player Controller, Special Ability System, Health System, Weapon System
Personal Work
Click on Thumbnail to know more about each project

UE4 C++ Blueprint VisutalStudio

What I Did:
 PlayerCharacter Behaviour(Character Movement, Controlls, Death and Respawn)
 Advanced A.I Using UE4's Behaviour Tree
 Abilities in C++ and blueprint
 Simple TrackerBot A.I in C++
 Game is Multiplayer Ready
 Wave System and Counting Score on Server
Gameplay Ability Thumbnail

UE4 C++ Blueprint VisutalStudio

What I Did:
 Multiple Gameplay Ability
 Setting Up Animation Blueprints and Locomotion
 Primary UI to show cooldown, cost... etc

UE4 C++ Blueprint VisutalStudio

What I Did:
 Connecting Players Via Steam
 Using OnlineSteamSubsystem
 Creating Session and Join Session
 Advanced UI
 Can connect players via Local Network using Hamachi(VPN)

UE4 C++ Blueprint VisutalStudio

What I Did:
 Tank Movement With Xbox one controller support
 Suspension system for tank using ue4 physics with C++
 Build for xbox one (In Progress)
 Simple A.I using C++ to drive enemy tanks.

UE4 C++ Blueprint VisutalStudio

What I Did:
 A.I State Guard
 Game Logic
 Gameplay Mechanics(Blackhole and launch Pad)
 Multiplayer Ready

C# Game Jam

What I Did:
 Ludum dare game made in 48 hour

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me anytime, I will respond as fast as possible

Copyright © 2019 by Mazen Morgan