Project Type | Team Project/University |
Software Used | Unity |
Languages Used | C# |
Primary Role(s) | Game Programming and Assisting Colleagues |
Managing My Collegues and helping them to continue developing the game, we are using Trello to assign the tasks.
Creating Character Class that drives our Player
Character Class includes: the animator control, capsule collision for damage, movement properties, NavMesh Agent properties
Weapon System for both EnemyAI and Character ( Our Player )
PlayerController that drives our character movement by using Raycast from the Mouse (Like in League of legends, Dota, Diablo...)
Special Abilities for the player
Using Scriptable Objects to have multi weapons with Multi Stats such as range, damage, hit per second... etc
Using Also Scriptable objects to Create abilities the Abilities
Creating Waypoint System to use with Enenmies and NPCs
Creating Enemy A.I with Different States.
Having the ability to create multiple enemies with multiple stats as well, such as (Archer, Thief, thug, minion, Knight, ..etc)