Gameplay Programmer

About Me

Gameplay programmer with a BSc in Computer Science and 4 years of professional experience. Unreal Engine enthusiast, Working hard to become a generalist game programmer and improving my existing skills everday.

Persistance. Discipline. Dedication. Passion.

Down below are some of the projects I worked on.

Commercial Projects
Click on Thumbnail to know more about the project

Nifty Productions UE 5 C++ BP

  Multiplayer Gameplay Programming.
  Gameplay Ability System.
  Game Systems.
  AI & Behaviour Trees.
  Early Access Release.

Mark Robert Motion Control UE 4 C++ BP

  Software Engnieering
  Data Simulation.
  UI & HUD Development.
  Product intensively used.
  Cost Reduction.
Personal Projects
Click on Thumbnail to know more about each project

UE4 C++ Blueprint

What I Did:
 PlayerCharacter Behaviour(Character Movement, Controlls, Death and Respawn)
 Advanced A.I Using UE4's Behaviour Tree
 Abilities in C++ and blueprint
 Simple TrackerBot A.I in C++
 Game is Multiplayer Ready
 Wave System and Counting Score on Server
Gameplay Ability Thumbnail

UE4 C++ Blueprint

What I Did:
 Multiple Gameplay Ability
 Setting Up Animation Blueprints and Locomotion
 Primary UI to show cooldown, cost... etc

UE4 C++ Blueprint

What I Did:
 Connecting Players Via Steam
 Using OnlineSteamSubsystem
 Creating Session and Join Session
 Advanced UI
 Can connect players via Local Network using Hamachi(VPN)

University Unity C#

My contributions:
 Leading my Colleagues (Team of 5)
 A.I Enemy State, Waypoint System
 Player Controller, Special Ability System, Health System, Weapon System

UE4 C++ Blueprint

What I Did:
 Tank Movement With Xbox one controller support
 Suspension system for tank using ue4 physics with C++
 Build for xbox one (In Progress)
 Simple A.I using C++ to drive enemy tanks.

UE4 C++ Blueprint

What I Did:
 A.I State Guard
 Game Logic
 Gameplay Mechanics(Blackhole and launch Pad)
 Multiplayer Ready

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me anytime, I will respond as fast as possible

Copyright © 2019 by Mazen Morgan & David